
What is a Gemmologist?

Do you know this profession? What studies do you need to have this title? What can you do with this knowledge?

When we talk to friends, family and strangers, few people know what a gemmologist is, so I've decided to talk about my studies and real-life experience to help you understand better?

In fact, this is not a common profession, and the studies required to obtain this title vary enormously. There are, for example, 3-week - 1-month courses, and you can say you're a Gemmologist compared to the 2-year course I took, which gives access to the same title but, as you can imagine, a very different content.

There are 2 umbrella institutes: the GIA (Gemology Institute of America), which also certifies many of the world's most illustrious gemstones, and the AIGS (Asia Institute of Gemology...). In addition, there are various diplomas, including specialization in colored stones, diamonds, trade, research, etc...

Personally, I studied for 2 years at AIGS in Bangkok, where I was literally immersed in the world of gemmology.

I studied from ... at .... And here's what I experienced:

The subjects were ....

  • What I particularly liked and why.
  • An extraordinary experience.
  • The biggest stone I could analyze
  • An astonishing discovery.
  • Meet the merchants of Chantaburi